The insurance market in Austria is characterized by
- Intensive state and European regulation of the market and insurance conditions from the position of consumer protection
- In particular, the capital-forming sectors are under particular scrutiny for combating organized crime, money laundering and tax evasion
- Insurance products are becoming less comparable through customization
- Increase in Internet solutions for insurance distribution
- Intensification of the demands on independent brokers
- Increase of the competition
- Internationalization of markets and insurance products
The insurance office Dr. Nemling is an experienced, independent financial services business with all the privileges to advise and broker all insurance products.
The customer structure focuses on the liberal professions, the service businesses and the upscale private clients. We know every customer personally.
We have cooperation agreements with all notable domestic and foreign quality providers in life insurance and non-life insurance in Austria. This enables us to provide the best solutions available on the market discreetly, flexibly and as needed.
We are subscribed to market benchmarking programs, so we are quickly able to offer contracts with optimized value for money in all major lines of business. In other cases, we carry out individual tenders or negotiate with the insurers.
Ordinary care in case of damage is self-evident. Our goal is the long-term satisfaction of our customers through competence and prudence.